Western Oregon Office
1201 Court St NE
Suite 301
Salem, OR 97301
Eastern Oregon Office
P.O. Box 221
Hermiston, OR 97838
What sets Pac/West Lobby Group apart is our ability to open doors and gather intelligence from the highest levels. We develop a strategic plan that prioritizes our clients’ government affairs goals and objectives from an insider’s perspective. This gives our clients the voice to shape public policy and the information to make healthy decisions for their organizations.
We maintain close relationships with members of both political parties, especially in the Governor’s office, in caucus and committee leadership, and on the Ways & Means Committee. We also keep direct lines of communication with state agency directors and division leaders throughout state government.
The success of any legislative agenda truly hinges on our ability to build a strong coalition in support of your interests. Pac/West Lobby Group brings strength in numbers, both in the size of our team and our relationships throughout the political community.