
Agriculture, Solar Energy Need Not Be Foes

Facing a myriad of challenges, some agricultural producers have turned to solar energy as a lifeline. While opponents argue solar development poses a threat to agriculture, others are demonstrating how these two industries can be not only compatible, but symbiotic.

The Halls of Power

If the goal of REAL Oregon is to grow leaders in agriculture and natural resources, then it only makes sense a tour of the Capitol would be next on the agenda for our February session in Salem. Whether it is farming and ranching in Klamath Falls, logging in Roseburg, or commercial fishing in Newport, the issues affecting each industry eventually make their way here, where decisions have a lasting impact on producers and rural communities.

Oregon’s Roadmap to Lower Rental Costs Runs Through Denver and Austin

Economists generally agreed that the path to lower housing costs would not come by artificially restricting the current supply, but by increasing it.

Pac/West Welcomes James Moffitt as Winter Intern

Pac/West Lobby Group is pleased to announce the addition of winter intern James Moffitt to the lobby team, continuing the firm’s commitment to help develop the next generation of business leaders.

Legislative Lives of McLane, Starr are Reborn

“You can’t go home again,” observed the famed novelist Thomas Wolfe in his iconic book by the same name. Sens. Bruce Starr (R-Dundee) and Mike McLane (R-Powell Butte) are putting that theory to the test as they return to the Oregon Legislature after a prolonged absence.

Farmers of the Sea

Anyone who knows me knows I love seafood. That’s one of the many reasons I love living in Oregon — getting to enjoy fish, crab, shrimp, and oysters harvested right here along the coast. So, when I saw that REAL Oregon would be visiting Local Ocean for lunch during our January session in Newport, I was ecstatic.

A Message to Legislative Staff: Believe in Yourself

Twenty years ago, in my first session as a Legislative Assistant, I learned a valuable lesson that has shaped my approach to public service: the power of perseverance.

Jimmy Carter — A River Retrospective

Talking to Carter was like talking to your best friend. There was no sense of superiority or privilege. We would talk about our own fishing adventures.

REAL Oregon Heads Into The Woods

Timber and forestry were the focus of my second session with REAL Oregon in Roseburg (the “Timber Capital of the Nation,” as proudly displayed on the city seal).

Pac/West Announces New Legislative Partners on Giving Tuesday

Pac/West Lobby Group is proud to announce its pro bono representation of two significant organizations, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Shangri-La, as they prepare for the 2025 legislative session.

Professional Development Gets ‘REAL’

REAL Oregon — “Resource Education & Agricultural Leadership Program” — kicked off Class 8 Nov. 11-14. The program strives to develop leadership skills through the lens of agriculture, forestry, and natural resource management across the state.

New Oregon Economist Reports Economy Is Stabilizing

In his presentation to the House and Senate interim revenue committees, new state economist Carl Riccadonna said he expects the state general fund will bring in $947 million more in 2023-25 than previously figured. Taxpayers will also receive a $1.79 billion “kicker” in 2026, up from $1 billion.

Rankled Choice Voters

Thump! Thump! Thump! That was the sound heard near election offices around the state as voters soundly whacked a measure put forward by legislative Democrats to bring Ranked Choice Voting to federal and statewide offices. With counting nearly complete, Measure 117 is flaming out by well over 300,000 votes.

Election 2024 Analysis: Red Wave Doesn’t Quite Reach Oregon

As the preliminary election results continue to trickle in this morning, we are seeing few noteworthy shifts in Oregon’s political landscape. But what is clear is that Oregon voters have bucked the national trend favoring Republicans. 

Breaking Down Measure 118 for KOIN 6 News

Rick Metsger is the political analyst for KOIN 6 News, and on Sunday, Aug. 25 he talked about the expected impacts of Measure 118 on the November ballot.

Ben “Bone Crusher” Bowman Steps Into the Ring

State Rep. Ben Bowman, D-Tigard, finds himself squarely in the center of the ring as the House Majority Leader. Just like he always dreamed. Well, almost anyway.

Campaign Cash, Like Water, Always Finds a Way

With a citizens’ Initiative Petition (IP-9) to limit campaign contributions in Oregon politics steamrolling towards the November election ballot, legislators suddenly have decided to wrest control of the parade route. Powered by major donors representing both Republican and Democrat interests, HB 4024-5 creates a tangled web of new rules that proponents say solves the campaign spending problem and is a preferred alternative to the citizens’ initiative.

Chance of NCAA stopping the Oregon Legislature — NIL!

Determined not to have their top players pilfered by other schools, states are busy passing laws to enhance the “Name, Image, Likeness” playing field for their state’s schools, while also insulating them from being sanctioned for their efforts by the governing body of college sports, the NCAA.

Legislature cracks open “PERSdora’s Box”

Oregon’s Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) has been gasping for air, trying to stay afloat for years. It took a major dunking again in 2022, swallowing another $8 billion of added debt into its beleaguered balance sheet. The fund currently is about $28 billion short of the funds necessary to pay for its pension obligation to retirees.

Short Session Off to the Races with Big Agendas

With 300 bills to work and five weeks to do the work, the short session is a frenzy of activity where legislators are warned that evenings are considered working hours. The first work session posting deadline was Feb. 12, and any bill that isn’t heard by Feb. 19 is dead. The next deadlines come in quick succession the following weeks and the entire session will wrap no later than March 10.

Pac/West Lobby Group Adds Lena Prine to Legislative and Public Affairs Team

Prine’s wide range of experience in the legislature, business community, and working with natural resources will benefit Pac/West’s clients.

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Signaling S.O.S. in Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District

Lynn Peterson has consistently performed, moving from transportation planner to county commissioner to state transportation director to Metro President. She has made the right play call over the years, demonstrated by her electoral success on the political field. Now, she is playing in a new league, and it may not be the best fit. Peterson is in a competitive three-way battle in the May Democratic Primary for the 5th Congressional District against seasoned veterans Janelle Bynum and Jamie McLeod-Skinner.

Musical Chairs in Congressional District 5

When it comes to musical chairs, political candidates are masters of the game. Only one can claim the prize, the others are left scratching their heads. Oregon Congressional District 5 has attracted four notable entrants including a Republican incumbent and three Democrats jockeying for position in a race with national implications for party control in the next Congress.

Total Recall: Holvey vs. UFCW

In a forest of legislators, the majority of whom hadn’t yet been planted in their seats three years ago, Rep. Paul Holvey (D-Eugene) stands like an obelisk of petrified wood. Serving nearly two decades in the House of Representatives, he is eclipsed only by Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner) in seniority in the chamber. This week, Holvey faces a recall election, composed and orchestrated by one of his long-time allies: the United Food & Commercial Workers union.

Oregon Loses a Bright, Graceful, Dancing Daffodil

Hope. If a life could be described in those four letters, Joanne Verger’s life would match like a fingerprint.

The former Oregon State Senator, Representative, Mayor, Strawberry Queen, and standup performer lived a life of hope, based on faith, love, grace and resolve, and was generous in sharing it with all she met. Joanne left us today at age 93, leaving Oregon a little emptier yet a whole lot richer.

Pac/West Lobby Group Adds Event Planning Specialist Josie Hankins

Pac/West Lobby Group is pleased to announce the addition of Josie Hankins to the Association Management team as our Event Planning Director & Office Manager.

Remembering Mike Donahue

Mike was a quiet mentor to all he worked with. He didn’t tell you how to do things, he showed you by the way he went about his work. His grace and calm were a distinguishing contrast to the chaos that often permeated the newsroom on a busy day of breaking news.

The Thrill of Being on a Team with Mike Donahue

Mike may have been a quiet leader but his integrity and loyalty never wavered. He pushed management, often unsuccessfully, for maintaining a high standard of journalism quality. Through the highs and lows, he remained true to his impeccable standards and to his friends.

OHSU - Savior or Privateer

OHSU: Savior or Privateer?

Oregon entered unchartered waters last week with the announcement that Legacy Health System, a private healthcare provider, would ‘merge’ with the state-sponsored Oregon Health and Science University. In this proposal, OHSU will be the surviving entity and will continue to be governed by its board of directors.

Eastern Oregon Economic Summit - Amanda Spoo and Whitley Sullivan

Eastern Oregon Economic Summit Brings Spotlight to Rural Issues

The 2023 Eastern Oregon Economic Summit brought together about 280 business leaders, farmers, manufacturers, candidates, legislators, and state and local elected officials in Union County on August 3-4 to learn about the opportunities and challenges facing the expansive and diverse region.

Kotek Poll: A Cause for Gloom or Glee?

Numbers may not lie, but our interpretation of their meaning is often critical. Kotek’s numbers in the poll show an approval rating of 45% and a disapproval rating of 39% for a net positive of six points. Last fall, the same numbers for Gov. Brown were 41% approval and 54% disapproval, or a negative 13 points. Combined, that’s a 19-point swing to the upside.

The Tax Man Cometh

The City Council voted this week to impose a payroll tax on all employees and independent contractors “for work performed within the Salem city limits.” The ordinance particularly calls out employees of the “State of Oregon” and “any political subdivision of the state.”

Anne Johnson portrait

A Fond Farewell to My Friends at the Capitol

Anne Johnson retires after 22 years in Oregon politics.

Ryan Tribbett portrait

Session Ends with Bumpy, Bruising Landing

It was a turbulent flight that ended with a rough landing, but the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session safely set down on Sunday as both chambers adjourned on the last possible day.

Gas Pumping t-shirt

No More Fuming at the Fuel Pump for Randy Miller

On Wednesday, the Senate moved the final passage of HB 2426 by one vote to end the prohibition on self-serve gas stations – allowing Oregonians to pump their own gas.

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House Nears Sine Die with Senate Still in Limbo

There were rumblings of movement on the ongoing Senate Republican Caucus walkout last week, but still no clear path to a finish line of the 2023 Legislative Session before sine die. While Democrats in the Senate continue to look for ways to coerce or demand Republicans’ return to the floor, their colleagues in the House have nearly completed their work and may call their own sine die before June 25.

Whitley Sullivan portrait

Solving Housing Crisis Requires Fixing Root Problem

Facing a housing crisis, the Oregon Legislature is spending a lot of time choosing “bucket solutions”—making plans that address symptoms rather than root causes while wasting precious resources like time and tax dollars to do it.

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Senate Moves Closer to Implosion

The political stalemate in the Oregon Senate is showing no signs of breaking in time for a normal conclusion to the 2023 Legislative Session. If anything, leadership is moving further away from resolution by the day.

Reflections on Power, Pride and Grace

Throughout our history there have been legislative issues that have deeply divided the Oregon assembly. Should our Democratic Republic survive, there will be many more. Democracy survives only by engagement, not withdrawal.

Policy Committees Wrap Work with Final Deadline

The sprint toward the finish line begins this week in the Oregon Legislature, but nobody is quite sure where the finish line will be.

May Revenue Forecast Turns Attention to State Budget

The May Economic & Revenue Forecast released this week presents a favorable picture of expected revenue and economic conditions for Oregon in the next biennium as lawmakers get ready to write the state budget.

Sen. Elizabeth Steiner

The Doctor Will See You Now

Now an 11-year veteran of the Oregon Senate, Sen. Elizabeth Steiner keeps her own firm grip on the legislative process as co-chair of the powerful Ways & Means Committee. And she gets plenty of hands extended from all the new friends her position attracts.

Ryan Tribbett portrait

Ryan Tribbett Joins Salem City Club Board of Directors

Pac/West Lobby Group President Ryan Tribbett was recently elected to the Salem City Club Board of Directors.

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Readin’, ‘Ritin’ and ‘Rithmetic

Democrats and Republicans alike continue to counter each other’s tactics to grind the legislative process down to a crawl. From a robotic voice to read bills to the Flesch Kincaid Reading Test to calculating how many days they can stay away from Senate proceedings to deny a quorum, the ultimate game plan of either party is unknown. Crystal clear, however, is that the sand in the hourglass on this constitutionally restricted session is sifting quickly.

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Hectic Week Adds Tension to Session

A political version of an ‘atmospheric river’ descended over the Oregon Capitol this week, threatening to grind the legislative session to a halt and endangering a plethora of bills awaiting action in the Senate. The week kicked off with the stunning news that Secretary of State Shemia Fagan was resigning after a slew of reports surfaced about moonlighting as a cannabis consultant that conflicted with her public responsibilities.

Secretary of State Shemia Fagan

Secretary of State Revelations May Fuel Legislative Divide

Secretary of State Shemia Fagan was thrust into the media spotlight last week when it was revealed she has been moonlighting as a consultant for a cannabis company that has been under legal and political fire in Oregon.

State of Oregon Stooges

Economists Dust off Darts for Revenue Forecast

In less than three weeks, the state economists will chop their formulas, dice their dot charts, flow analysis, and multiple-colored lines of deviation, turn the blender on high, and, voila! They will pour a financial cocktail for legislators to taste just how much revenue will come into state coffers for the next two years.

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Committees Refocus as Floor Logjam Clears

After two weeks of full floor sessions, legislators returned their focus to committees last week as they began ramping up for the second committee deadlines. These next two weeks will be critical as bills must be posted for a work session by May 5 and heard by May 19 as we prepare for the final push.

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